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Our Testimony & Desire

North Country Christian Fellowship is a non-denominational bible-believing Message church in Flagstaff. What message you may ask? We believe in a Message brought at the end of this Gentile dispensation to turn our hearts back to our fathers of the faith -- the original Word.


A far cry from the traditions and formalities of what Christianity has become, we believe there is freedom ONLY in following the truth exactly as it is stated in the Bible, and we believe the truth is Jesus - and Jesus is the Word. And the truth will set you free! 
Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. His program has not changed.

We long to see people filled with the Holy Spirit, projecting Christ and sharing a living God with their community. When people see us, we want them to see the bible.


Our church doesn't have programs or memberships like you would find at most...we believe that He whom the Son has set free is free indeed. We have genuine open hearts longing to serve God with everything in us, and we welcome those who want to labor and learn beside us. As we dig into the Word with the Light of the end-time message cast upon it, we know it'll change people from the inside out. The way we act, dress, and conduct ourselves could and would simply be another tradition unless it was God anointing our actions. We pray if you visit that you won't see people bound by "rules and regulations". We hope that God will show you that as we are tutored by the Holy Spirit, God teaches us the way to be in every aspect of our lives. Keep an open and sincere heart, and God will direct your paths and ways correctly and you will give Him every part of your life in gratitude and submission to Him only. As you learn, grow and answer the "deep calling to the deep", come and fellowship with us. Come as you are. Let God do the work in His time and in His way.
It would be a joy to have you come and share your light with us if you need somewhere to fellowship.


Our mission is to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a town in need of His love and Salvation. God has given a Message of the Hour to His people at every point in history and we want to spread the Good News of the Gospel so that individuals all over Flagstaff Arizona can it.  From the streets, to the churches, in houses and in individual hearts... we know God has put us here to reach the seekers, wherever they may be. Those who look beyond a historical God doing historical things. Those who have a deep calling to the deep. Those seeking a God who is alive and well. One who still saves. Still heals. Still restores. Still delivers. We do not desire to call people into dead traditions, but to a living Christ who will embody them and transform their lives from the inside out. Hebrews 13:8


Our absolute is the Word of God. It is what we hold to and what we preach from. As the Scripture says in Romans 3:4, "God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar". God's Word will never change and will always remain consistent. The Word was in the beginning with God (John 1) and it was God. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we live our lives as an assembly by His Word. 


Brother Dale Smith serves North Country Christian fellowship as pastor alongside his wife Joann.  Prior to making Flagstaff their home, Brother Dale was privileged to travel across the world evangelizing to the Bride of Jesus Christ. His mission was to share Hebrews 13:8 and the end time message with anyone with a heart to listen, and to encourage, admonish and uplift the body of Christ. Having settled in Flagstaff as pastor of this assembly, it is his fervent desire to help feed the local flock and be a servant to the body of Christ.


Brother Dale feels blessed and privileged to work along side several other holy ghost filled men who endeavor with him to minister to the local body including Brother Dennis Mcgeary and Brother Joe Daulton. 



We don't have a logo because we're a business or organization. We believe churches are the house of God... they aren't a platform to be marketed, but are a sacred space where God sovereignly leads individuals to worship and fellowship. 

So then why the logo? 

When Brother Dale was elected pastor, he looked for a way to let the children of the church lend their voices to the process of how our church should be. He decided to get all the children and youth of the church together to design an emblem that would represent the church. The kids enthusiastically gathered. Many motifs emerged... mountains, crosses, sunrises, compasses and hands. The children expressed what they thought our church represented. They talked about what true North meant to them, and what we stood for. It was a wonderful gathering full of hope and expectation of what God would use the little fellowship to accomplish in the future. One of the little girls traced her hands and was showing Brother Dale what she wanted our logo to be. When he held up his hands to replicate the picture, she exclaimed "No, like this!" and flipped her hands over to show him that she was picturing Jesus's hands open holding the church. This became the frame which encompassed all the other ideas. Our logo is a picture of what our children want us to be. Our town... our people... our hopes and aspirations safely in the hands of Jesus. One of our congregants is a graphic designer and helped digitize the final amalgamation of the children's drawings and that is the beautiful emblem that you see today at the top of our webpage. When you see it, you see our children.

"Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven."
— Matthew 19:14 (KJV) 

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